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Thursday, June 21, 2012

3 months and still going...

It's been 3 months since I've last blogged. 3 MONTHS!? Where have I been you say? Busy. That's all I ever am. I need a shirt that says something like "Hello, I'm Busy" or "...Busy...". Maybe I should change my name to Busy?

So, what have I actually been doing the past 3 months? Let's take a look...

I held auditions for MY first show

Went camping

Attended the midnight premiere of Hunger Games

Celebrated Easter with my man and family

Painted the Titanic

Booked our Honeymoon Cruise

Directed and completed my first show, Disney's Winnie the Pooh KIDS

Took the Dreamcatchers to Chattanooga for their first competition.
(They received Top First and Perfect Performance)

Completely redesigned the CharACTers website (a week long job)

Taught at the Arts Around the World Camp at the YMCA

Organized, Planned and finally made a trip to Disney for another Dreamcatchers performance!

Last but not least, I made over 15 cakes!

I couldn't find all the pictures of every cake I did. If I do, I'll be sure to post it :)

I now have some downtime after the Disney trip and the shows. I'm only doing the choreography for Music Man so that shouldn't be as much to do. I had said that this past week was going to be my "catch up" week. Meaning, I would do all the things I've been putting off for months this week. But what did I do? NOTHING! I sat on my booty all week. 
Actually, that's not entirely true. I did have to design and finish the new CharACTers brochure this week, which took up most of my life. I also had to make a wedding cake (the navy blue one above) and some cupcakes for the CharACTers Awards Ceremony (which is tomorrow night). 
Considering that for the past two weeks I've been getting up before 7am (not the norm for me), I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping until 12pm this week :)

But now, with only 135 days left until the wedding (insert screams here) I really need to get a jump on this wedding stuff. Next week's goals include 1) making dress appointments. 2) making florist appointments. 3) sending out save the dates. 4) line up the caterer(s). And finally 5) FIND A VENUE! I really don't know why that has been so hard? All I want is something I can make look 'rustic.' I have searched and searched and still cannot find my perfect venue, unless I want to pay out the booty! *Sigh* If I could just book a venue, then all my worries will come to s screeching halt. Well, atleast for now haha!

I also want to get back to my home projects. I would like to finish the laundry room, bathroom, kitchen and master bedroom. 

And then there's my Pinterest projects!! Oh how the list just goes on and on and on!!

Well, let's see how long it takes me to get this stuff done ;)


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